IntroductionWelcome to the July 2016 issue of the Clarity Assure eBulletin. It contains the latest news and advice relating to the Quality Improvement Service for North East. Assure DowntimeThe next version release for Assure is scheduled to take place on 28th July 2016. Please note that on this day the Assure system will be unavailable from 5pm onwards. Users will receive an email advising when down time has ended and the system is available. Sepsis changes for July 2016 discharges onwardsThe following changes will apply from the 28th July release. - Screening tool question changed back to 'Was a screening tool present in the discharge notes?'
- Sepsis 6 measures now all have a question for 'already on treatment'
- All of the sepsis 6 measures will now pass if the new 'already on' question is answered yes.
- If patient is diagnosed within 4 hours of arrival, treatment will be calculated from arrival for all sepsis 6 measures.
- 12 hours allowance removed and replaced with 1 hour either side of time zero in conjuction with additional pass for already on appropriate treatment question.
- There are three new measures for CQUIN - a,b and c.
- a - diagnosed within 4 hours of arrival and whether antibiotics have been given within 1 hour of diagnosis.
- b - new admissions and whether antibiotics have been given within 1 hour of diagnosis. (new admissions are defined as anyone with a diagnosis between 4-24 hours of arrival)
- c - in-patients and whether antibiotics have been given within 90 minutes of diagnosis. (in-patients are defined as anyone with a diagnosis 24 hours or more after arrival)
- CQUINb and c will pass on ongoing antibiotics, CQUINa will exclude.
- Senior review measure updated to enable Trusts to answer that they are not wishing to collect this data. A 'Yes' answer will then exclude the patient from these measures which in turn will prevent this from affecting a Trust's data completeness report figures purely on the fact that they do not wish to collect this data.
Senior ReviewFor Trusts who do not wish to complete details on Senior Review please ensure that you answer question 28 “Is there a reason documented for not undertaking a Senior Clinical review or is the Trust choosing not to audit senior review data?” as Yes. This will then exclude the patient from this measure without affecting the data completeness figures. If this is not answered as “Yes” and no information is entered for the date and time of the senior review then this will be highlighted as missing data on the data completeness report. |