Assure - Quick start guide

Assure - Quick start guide

What is Assure?

Assure is a web based system which can capture and analyse data to help NHS Trusts assess and improve the patient care they provide.

Why should we use Assure?

The main benefits to NHS Trusts are to improve patient care and save lives whilst saving money.

Accessing Assure

To access Assure you will need approved from your Programme Lead, following which Clarity will assign you a username and password.  If you have not received these and your Trust has signed up to use Assure please contact assure-enquiries@clarity.co.uk.

Go to the Assure system at  https://assure.clarity.co.uk

Enter your username and password and click Login

Find Patient Records

You can access Patient Records

Via Home Page - Current Discharge Month Data Only

The Home Page works in conjunction with the data processing calendar so only the patient records for the current discharge month are accessible via the Home Page

  1. Select the month from the Discharge Month selection list and click Filter

2. Click on the number of records for the relevant focus area and patient record status within the 'Unfinished' 'SUS' column of the table on the Home Page

3. This will take you to the list of all 775 records.  From here you can scroll through the patient information to find the relevant patient record. 

4. Click on 'Measure' to access the patient record and complete the measure questions.

You can filter the list down further using the Change Filter button and adding in extra filters.  See the information on accessing patient records via the Search Page on how to apply filters.

Via Search Page

1. Click on 'Measure' to access the patient record and complete the measure questions.

  • If you know the PatientID of the record you wish to access enter it into the Patient ID field and click Search.  This will show you all results matching that PatientID.
  • If you do not know the PatientID then you can filter the data to access the relevant records by clicking 'More options'.

2. Enter the information relevant to the record(s) you wish to access and click Search.

This will then show you the list of patient records matching your search criteria. Click on 'Measure' to access the patient record and complete the measure questions.

Complete Measure Questions

You will be taken to the Questions tab of the Patient Record. This shows all of the measure questions for the selected focus area.

Use the drop down selections to answer the questions.

If you require assistance on answering the question you can find this via the help icon next to the question text

Further assistance can be found via the Data Dictionary which can be accessed from within the question help text


When you have answered all of the questions click 'Save'

Did the Patient Record meet requirements?

Once you have completed the measure questions and clicked 'Save' the patient record will be analysed and the outcome displayed shown.

This will detail which measures have been passed/failed/excluded and the reason.

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