If your revalidation date provided by the NMC is April 1st 2016 or later you will need to follow the new process. Full guidance has been generated by the NMC and can be accessed here -
To view the revalidation screens:
- Click "Revalidation" in your top menu bar.
Create Revalidation Cycle
If you do not have a revalidation cycle created you will need to first enter some key dates.
Revalidation Period: the date range from which your practice hours CPD, Feedback and Reflective Accounts will be selected. This date range cannot overlap with any other revalidation cycles already created.
Revalidation Date: the date communicated to you by the NMC as your revalidation date. By the first day of that month you should have completed your Reflective Discussion and Confirmation. You should also have logged in to NMC Online to complete your Health and Character and Professional Indemnity declarations.
Last Registered: the date of your last renewal of registration or joined the register.
Process Summary
Once your cycle dates are in place you are presented with a summary of the process.
Select the Go to dashboard button to begin selecting evidence.
Revalidation Dashboard
The revalidation dashboard allows you to see a summary of your progress and open the screens where you pick the evidence you would like to include in your Reflective Discussion and Confirmation.
It presents a running summary of the evidence and once the NMC targets are reached the relevant sections will turn green.
The evidence can be printed or access to the selected evidence can be granted to the nurse or midwife's Reflective Discussion Partner and Confirmer via email.
Practice Hours Log
You are presented with the Roles you have recorded in your professional profile within your cycle period. All roles with profession Nurse or Nurse/SCPHN or profession Midwife or Midwife/SCPHN are automatically included. Those marked as Other are excluded.
How the hours are calculated
Simply put the calculation is - (Number of Weeks between Effective From and Effective To) x (90%) x (Time Commitment Per Week)
What is Effective From and Effective To
Your revalidation cycle has a Start and End date. Your role has a start date and an optional end date. The effective from and to are the dates where these values overlap.
If your role started before the cycle starts, the effective from date will the cycle start date. If your role starts AFTER the cycle began, the effective from date is the role start date.
If your role ends during the cycle, the effective to date is the role end date. If the role end is blank or after the cycle ends, the effective to date is the cycle end date.
How the hours are calculated
Simply put the calculation is - Number of Weeks between Effective From and Effective To * 90% * Time Commitment Per Week
What is Effective From and Effective To
Your revalidation cycle has a Start and End date. Your role has a start date and an optional end date. The effective from and to are the dates where these values overlap.
If your role started before the cycle starts, the effective from date will the cycle start date. If your role starts AFTER the cycle began, the effective from date is the role start date.
If your role ends during the cycle, the effective to date is the role end date. If the role end is blank or after the cycle ends, the effective to date is the cycle end date.
Why are you multiplying by 90%?
With holiday entitlement, a person would typically work for 47 weeks out of 52 – this is 90% of a year.
Link CPD events
Any portfolio items not yet linked to a Revalidation Cycle will be listed as available to link to this cycle.
Adding new items so they appear on this list and editing existing items can be done via the Portfolio.
Dashboard - CPD target reached
Feedback log
Link feedback
Any feedback items not yet linked to a Revalidation Cycle will be listed as available to link to this cycle.
Adding new items so they appear on this list and editing existing items can be done via the Portfolio.
Dashboard - feedback target reached
Refective accounts
Reflective discussion partner and confirmer
As part of the NMC's revalidation process you are now required to present and discuss your Reflective Accounts with another NMC registrant. Once this reflective Discussion has taken place the Reflective Discussion Form must be completed by the Reflective Discussion Partner. The completed Reflective Discussion Form then becomes part of your evidence and is presented along with the details for your Practice Hours, CPD hours, Feedback and Reflective Accounts to a Confirmer, generally expected to be your line manager. They will then complete the NMC Confirmation Form.
Select your reflective discussion partner
Email your reflective discussion partner
Click Send Email to issue an email to your Reflective Discussion Partner containing a link. When they click the link they are presented with all of the evidence you have included at that time.
They can also use this screen to complete the required NMC Reflective Discussion Form. Once the Form is completed we will send you an email to confirm.
Select your confirmer
Email your confirmer
Click Send Email to issue an email to your Confirmer containing a link. When they click the link they are presented with all of the evidence you have included at that time.
They can also use this screen to complete the required NMC Confirmation Form. Once the Form is completed we will send you an email to confirm.
From the Revalidation Dashboard, you can print the evidence you have selected so far and opt to include the NMC Reflective Discussion and/or Confirmation forms where required.
Closing your cycle
From the Revalidation Dashboard, you can print the evidence you have selected so far and opt to include the NMC Reflective Discussion and/or Confirmation forms where required.