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 To see how to add a new item, click here.

Click the links below to see more information on the different evidence types you can include in your appraisal:



CPD events

Pre-appraisal preparation


Quality improvement activities

Additional areas of discussion


Serious untoward incidents

Proposed PDP


Colleague and patient feedback

Statements and declarations


Complaints and compliments

Reflecting on your evidence

CPD events

These are activities which relate directly to your Continuing Professional Development. They could be mandatory training activities set by your organisation, self directed or online learning, structured training, simulation/practical training or a number of other activities that contribute to your professional development. 

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Quality improvement activities

The Quality Improvement section allows you to document participation in activities that review and evaluate the quality of your work (e.g. Clinical Audits/Patient Studies). Quality Improvement activities should be robust, systematic and relevant to your work. They should also include an element of evaluation and action, and where possible, demonstrate and outcome or change.

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Serious untoward incidents

Use this section to add information regarding any serious untoward incidents that have occurred and the audits that followed. A serious incident is an incident that occurs in the duration of care which results in:

  • Unexpected or unavoidable death of one or more patients, staff, visitors or members of the public;
  • Serious harm to one or more patients, staff, visitors or members of the public, or an outcome which requires life-saving or major surgical/medical intervention;
  • Permanent harm, a reduction in life expectancy, prolonged pain or psychological harm;
  • A scenario that prevents or threatens to prevent a provider organisation’s ability to continue to deliver healthcare services, e.g., actual or potential loss of personal/organisational information, damage to property, reputation or the environment, or IT failure;
  • Allegations of abuse;
  • Adverse media coverage or public concern;
  • A ‘Never Event’ – these are updated annually and currently include:
    • wrong site surgery
    • one or more retained instruments post-operatively
    • chemotherapy administered via the wrong route
    • misplaced nasogastric or oro-gastric tubes not detected prior to use
    • in-hospital maternal death from postpartum haemorrhage after an elective caesarean section
    • inadvertent administration of intravenous concentrated potassium chloride

Throughout the year you should be collating information regarding events which demonstrate your ability to learn and develop when faced with challenging circumstances. The overview pages shows the Serious Untoward Incidents that have been added to this appraisal, and you are able to sort the items alphabetically according to title, by date and by CPD score.

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Colleage and patient feedback

The Colleague and Patient Feedback section allows you to view and upload any feedback reports you have obtained from colleagues and patients.

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Complaints and compliments

This section is to record any feedback you have received by patients or their families by way of complaints and compliments. A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction or grievance where a nurse could be expected to have had influence or responsibility. You may also document any compliments you have received that you feel your Appraiser should know about. Any complaints you have added to your Portfolio that fall within the appraisal dates will be automatically added to your appraisal.

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Additional areas of discussion

This section gives you a platform to discuss your achievements and challenges over the past year, your career aspirations and any additional information you may wish to add to your appraisal.

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This section allows you to discuss how you are meeting each of the four domains of Good Medical Practice in preparation for your appraisal.

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Statements and declarations

This section contains Statements and Declarations relating to issues of Convictions, Assurance, Investigations, Probity and Health. If you have any Probity issues or Convictions they must be declared in this section, see how here.

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Proposed PDP

This section allows you to propose PDP items to work towards next year. Your Appraiser can review these and accept or reject them after your Appraisal meeting. 

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Reflecting on your evidence

You can reflect on your evidence in two ways:

  • Reflect on items individually
  • Reflect as a summary of a whole supporting evidence type

To reflect on items individually:

Add the item to your appraisal or Portfolio and complete the Details and Documents tabs.

  • Once you have saved the Details and Documents tabs, click the Reflection tab. 
  • Enter your reflective statement into the free text box and use the formatting tools if you want to structure your reflection (bold, underline, italics, bullet points and numbering). 

  • When you have entered your text, click Image Added

To give reflections as a summary of an evidence type:

  • Click the evidence type in the left navigation bar
  • Enter your reflective statement in the free text box underneath the table and use the formatting tools if you want to structure your reflection (bold, underline, italics, bullet points and numbering). 

  • When you have entered your text, click Image Added

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