

The PDP section of Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses contains all of your current and historic Personal Development Plan items.

Below are descriptions of each type of PDP item you will see in Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses. 

Current PDP

These are the PDP activities agreed in your last appraisal that you are currently working towards.

There is nothing to add to this section, it is simply a storage area to view your PDPs.

To view a current PDP:

  • Click "PDP" in your top menu bar
  • Click "Current PDP" in your left navigation bar.
  • Click  in the Actions column.

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Historic PDP

These are PDPs that you have worked towards and completed in the past.

There is nothing to add to this section, it is simply a storage area to view your PDPs.

To view a Historic PDP:

  • Click "PDP" in your top menu bar
  • Click "Historic PDP" in your left navigation bar.
  • Click  in the Actions column.

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Last year's PDP

When you are inside an appraisal, your Current PDPs (i.e. that you have spent the year working towards) are known as your Last Year’s PDPs.

If you completed your last appraisal with Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses your Last Year’s PDPs are added to your appraisal automatically.

If it is the first year you are completing an appraisal for an organisation using Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses you can manually add your last year’s PDPs.

If this is your first ever appraisal for your organisation you do not need to enter this information.

Tick  on the Last Year’s PDP page. 

  • Go to your appraisal and click Last Year’s PDP in your left navigation bar. 
  • Click  at the top of the table. Complete the Details tab and click 

    You can complete the Development Evidence tab in two ways. You can:

  • Link items from your Portfolio to your PDP item by ticking  and selecting the items from the table.
  • Enter text into the two text boxes 
  • When you have added your Development Evidence, click 

    When you have completed the Details and Development Evidence tabs, you can upload documents into the Documents tab.

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Propposed PDP

You can suggest PDPs you think would be beneficial for you to work towards over the next year in your appraisal as Proposed PDPs in form 3 of your appraisal. Your Appraiser will review these and accept, change or reject them. If they are accepted they will be added to your Agreed PDP for next year.

All PDP items should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bounded). With Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses there is no limit to the number of Proposed PDP Items you can add. It is suggested you use this section if there are areas within your practice in particular you wish to improve.

  •  Go to your appraisal and click "Proposed PDP" in your left navigation bar
  • Click  at the top of the table. Complete the Details tab and click 

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Agreed PDP

These items are added by your Appraiser after your appraisal meeting. They are the PDPs that were agreed upon by yourself and your Appraiser during your appraisal meeting that you will spend the next year working towards.

When your appraisal is “Complete”, these will become your “Current” PDPs.

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