Reviewing PDPs

Use the links below to find more information on:

Last Year's PDP

Before you can sign off an appraisal you must ensure all of the Clinician's Last Year's PDP items have a status.

  • You can assign statuses to Last Year's PDP items by viewing the appraisal and clicking "Last Year's PDP" under Section 2 in the left navigation bar. 

    Click to the right of the item you wish to edit


    Select a status from the drop down menu

    If you select "Complete" as a status, you must enter the date of completion then click  in the top right corner.

    If you select "Current", "Proposed Carried Forward" or "Proposed Dropped" as a status, you should enter the reason into the text box below and click .

    'Current' and 'Proposed Carried Forward' are essentially the same action. The difference being that a PDP marked 'Current' hasn't passed the target completion date. 'Proposed Carried Forward' would be applicable if the PDP has passed the target completion date.

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Proposed PDP

The Clinician can suggest PDPs as Proposed PDPs in their appraisal. If you accept these they will become “Agreed PDPs” that the Clinician will work towards over the next year.

To view Proposed PDPS:

  • View the appraisal and click “Proposed PDP” in the left navigation bar.


  • Click 

  • Click  to agree the PDP
  • You can only accept Proposed PDPs in the Agreed PDP section in Section 3 of the appraisal.

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Agreed PDP

Agreed PDPs are the PDPs that the Clinician will work towards over the next year. You can add new Agreed PDPs or accept PDPs the Clinician has proposed in their appraisal documentation.

To add new PDPs:

  • Click “Agreed PDP” in the left hand dashboard

  • Click  in the top left corner of the table


  • Complete the fields on the form
  • Click 

To accept a Clinician’s proposed PDPs:

  • Click “Agreed PDP” in the appraisal left navigation bar
  • Click  (the number indicates how many PDPs the Clinician has proposed)
  • Tick the boxes to the right of the items you want to accept
  • Click 

This will move the items from 'Proposed PDP' to 'Agreed PDP' and will make them available for your appraise to work towards over the next year.

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