

Agilio | Clarity Doctors is a comprehensive software solution that builds on over a decade of experience in providing appraisal support. This easy to use appraisal and revalidation toolkit for clinicians and GMC designated bodies minimises the time taken for administrative tasks, allowing a more focussed approach to assuring quality patient care. Agilio | Clarity Doctors contains all the tools needed for revalidation and has been specifically designed to meet the NHS Revalidation Support Team’s guidelines. Agilio | Clarity Doctors supports clinicians and their appraisers and also provides functionality for your GMC designated body appraisal administrative staff and responsible officers, providing an end to end appraisal support package for individual users.

Agilio | Clarity Doctors contains a Multi-Source Feedback (MSF/360° Feedback) tool integrated with the clinician’s Portfolio of appraisal evidence, and offers easy to use document management, supporting all file types. Strengthened appraisal forms provide a robust appraisal process ensuring both clinicians and appraisers are guided to successful revalidation outputs meeting the GMC’s revalidation requirements.

Who is Agilio | Clarity Doctors designed for?

Agilio | Clarity Doctors is designed for GMC registered clinicians undergoing appraisal and revalidation, as well as supporting appraisers, administrators and responsible officers involved in the process.

Each role has unique functionality to give users support and guidance throughout the appraisal process, allowing them to complete tasks timely and effectively. For further information on how Agilio | Clarity Doctors is tailored to your role, please call our Customer Service Team on 0191 287 5800 or email us at doctors@agiliosoftware.com

Benefits of Agilio | Clarity Doctors:

  •  Entirely web based application allowing secure access from anywhere, 24 hours a day
  •  Secure system - Tier 3 data security held in the UK
  • Meets the guidelines provided by the GMC and RST
  • Continuous development of new features, keeping you up to date with new guidance and legislation
  •  Concise and customised dashboards for each role
  •  User friendly screens and workflows for all users giving a quick view of appraisal progress
  •  A Portfolio categorised by GMC evidence types for the easy addition and management of supporting information and documentation
  •  System messaging and emails keeping you informed of your appraisal process
  •  Configuration of your designated body’s appraisal process to reflect local processes
  •  Supports every step of appraisal and revalidation
  •  Advanced reporting functionality
  •  Easy revalidation processing for Responsible Officers
  •  UK based telephone support, online help guides and flexible training to suit you and your designated body

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