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Appraiser's homepage
Your homepage is the first page you will see when you log into Appraisal Toolkit. It contains quick links to important areas of the toolkit, such as your messages and appointments, and current appraisals.
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To access your Appraisal Overview, click the My Appraisals link at the top of the box. You can also see an up-to-date breakdown of your completed and outstanding appraisals. Image Added
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- To access your appointments overview, click Appraisal Meetings at the top of the box. Any days with appointments are marked with green, and any available slots that have not yet been booked by your appraisees are marked in orange.
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To access your appointments overview, click Appraisal Meetings at the top of the box. Any days with appointments are marked with green, and any available slots that have not yet been booked by your appraisees are marked in orange. Image Added