Non-Clinical Reviewers - FAQs

Non-Clinical Reviewers - FAQs

How do I become a Non-Clinical Reviewer?

Membership to the panel is usually conducted either via invitation or volunteering, anyone with an interest in clinical issues and patient treatment are welcome to volunteer to become a reviewer.

Members are welcome from all walks of live and no experience, qualification or medical knowledge is required.

What are the expectations of a Non-Clinical Reviewer?

Members are welcome from all walks of live and no experience, qualification or medical knowledge is required. Our main expectations are for reviewers to read the documentation sent to them and submit honest feedback within the specified time frame.  

We are aware that some people may want to be more involved than others, and some people may have more time than others, we appreciate any level of feedback you feel able to give.

We do not expect our reviewers to have any clinical or medical expertise as we are wishing to receive feedback from a patient's perspective.  However, for those who are particularly interested in the clinical evidence base we welcome feedback on the evidence that our authors have chosen to include or exclude. We can provide the reference list for you to look at if you are interested.

As part of our review panel we do ask that you declare any conflicts or interest on the declaration section of the feedback form and submit any additional conflicts or other issues which may affect the professional integrity and/or reputaton of Clarity Informatics.

Clarity Informatics reserve the right to remove your membership to the panel at any time should any issues involving yourself be determined as detremental to the professional integrity and reputation of Clarity Informatics, should such instances occur you will be notified in writing  of our intent to withdraw your services and you will be given the opportunity to appeal the decision within a specified time frame.

What is the process?

Once you become a member of the Non-Clinical Reviewer panel the following process will take place.

  1. Submit any areas of interest or if you are happy to review any topic - When you become a member of our Non-Clinical Reviewer panel we will ask if you have any particular medical/clinical areas of interest.
    1. if you do have preferences please let us know as we will note these against your details and ensure you are included as a reviewer for all topics releavant to your particular area of interest.  You can also inform us if you only wish to receive topics relevant to your preferences are if you are happy to receive other topics too.
    2. If you do not have a particular area of interest then you will send a variety of different topics to review, depending upon the topics due for review each year.
  2. Once a topic is ready for review you will contacted by Clarity Informatics to check you are still available, with a deadline to respond
  3. After the deadline to confirm your availability has passed, you will receive an email containing the topic and a link to the online feedback form, this will also detail the deadline* for your feedback.  Please read the topic content and answer the questions on the feedback form.
  4. All responses received are carefully considered and discussed by the Authoring team developing the topic content and will make any changes deemed appropriate.
  5. Once a topic has been published you will receive an email from Clarity Informatics with an acknowledgement for your Contribution and a link to the final published topic.

*Clarity do endeavour to send out reminders to reviewers a few days before the feedback deadline but sometimes this is not possible, we would therefore request that you are conscious of the deadline dates stated.

Can I leave the panel?

Yes, there is no obligation to remain a panel member, we do not request any advance notification and no penalities are incurred. 

Should you decide that this is no longer appropriate for you, please send us an email to cks-enquiries@clarity.co.uk and we will remove you details immediately.  If you have already received a topic to review before informing us of your withdrawal we will require that you delete the topic from your email account permanently.

What if I have questions or need help in reviewing a topic?

Should you have any questions or require further assistance please email us at cks-enquiries@clarity.co.uk and we will be happy to assist. 

Please be aware that Clarity Informatics are not able to provide help or clinical advise regarding personal health issues or issues relating to the clinical care of patients.

What details will you hold about me?

During the time that you remain a member of the Reviewer Panel we will maintain the contact details and topic preferences you submitted to us, these details will only be used for the purposes of the panel and topic reviewing, as part of our NICE accreditation we may be required to disclose your name and email to NICE as evidence of the Non-Clinical Reviewer process.  Should you wish us to not disclose this information please let us know. 

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