Adding an Announcement Template

Adding an Announcement Template

Prior to creating individual announcements, you can design specific templates to be used to populate any future content with pre-existing details. The benefit of this approach is that your announcements can be created more efficiently.

To create a new announcement template, please follow these simple instructions:

Using the blue menu ribbon, please navigate to ‘Menu’, ‘System’ and select ‘Announcement Templates’ (as shown below).

A new page will open; this is the ‘Announcement Templates’ module. All current announcement templates which exist in your portal will be listed alphabetically. To search for an existing template, please use either the search bar or adjustable ‘Title’ column (options: A-Z or Z-A). Unless saved otherwise, the module will default to the ‘Current’ view within the ‘Archived Status’ field. Please click ‘Add’, followed by ‘Announcement Template’.

In the ‘Add – Announcement Template’ page, you will be presented with four tabs: ‘General’, ‘Notification Settings’, ‘Visibility & Control’ and ‘Filing’ (please see below). 

Let’s look in depth at each tab.

General: Please enter a title, announcement expiry period (days), overall description and author.

Notification Settings: Please use the options in this tab to define both who and how portal staff will be notified. Options include:

  • Add to People’s Homepage: The item will be visible in TeamNet Home for each specific User(s) and/or Role(s) identified.

  • Email a Link to this Item: User(s) and/or Role(s) will receive an automated email, containing direct access to the item and a custom message (if supplied by the author).

  • Ask for Acknowledgements: Request notified to staff to confirm that the item has been read and understood.

  • Include People on my Site with Selected Roles: Please use the ‘Roles to Notify’ options to confirm specific sharing rules. If necessary, click ‘Select People’ to add individual staff.

  • Include Users on All Sites the Item has been Shared to with the Selected Roles: Please use the ‘Roles to Notify’ options to confirm specific sharing rules. If necessary, click ‘Select People’ to add individual staff.

Visibility & Control: You should now confirm the item owner(s) and any accessibility restrictions. When completing this tab, you will be presented with an additional four options:

  • Choose Groups: You may share the item with any pre-existing sharing groups (once they have been set up).

  • Make Public: You can publicly share the item outside of TeamNet.

  • Choose Individuals: You can choose to share the item directly with specific colleagues. This includes alternative portal staff (where sharing has been enabled).

  • Restrict Visibility: You can restrict access to specific Roles only, for example Doctors, and/or password protect the item.

Filing: In this section, you may choose to add optional keywords (to help refine results when searching for the item). These keywords are unlimited in number and can be edited or removed at any point. Keywords are added by simply listing them in the corresponding field. To attach the item to a Topic, simply click ‘Add’, followed by ‘Attach’ once the corresponding item has been found.

Please click ‘Save’.

A short video, demonstrating the process, can be viewed below:


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