Viewing reports
Viewing reports
To access your reports:
- Click ‘Reports’ in the top menu
- Click one of the links to open the report parameters.
Appraisals By Appraiser
- This provides a list of all appraisals assigned to selected (or all) appraisers from your organisation.
Appraisal Feedback
- Provides a report regarding the content of all appraisal feedback from your organisation (if enabled in your settings).
Appraisal Feedback By Appraiser
- Provides a report regarding the content of appraisal feedback from your organisation filtered according to selected appraisers.
Leavers and Arrivals
- Provides a list of all users that have joined/left your organisation in a specific time period.
Development Needs
- Provides a list of the development need areas selected by your appraisees in their PDPs.
Appraisals Completed
- Provides a list of all of the appraisals completed in your organisation within your chosen parameters.
If you would like any more information regarding the content of these report categories, please contact Customer Support at doctors-appraisals-enquiries@clarity.co.uk
- Set the parameters for your report
- Click
You can print or download the report at any time using the ‘Action’ links at the top of the page.
You can also change the parameters of the report by clicking
to bring up the pop up. Once they are changed, click
, multiple selections available,
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