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Appraisal toolkit upgrade FAQs
We have taken great care to ensure no information that is stored on Appraisal Toolkit will be lost during your migration to the upgraded version. Even though some sections of the Toolkit have been removed or merged, any information you had added to them will still be present on the system, it will just be found in a different place.
For Clinicians this includes any Health, Convictions, Probity , Reflection and Mandatory Training information.
For appraisers this includes any appraiser notes and summaries that have been added.
For more information regarding the new Appraisal Toolkit features, click here.
You are no longer required to add reflections to each individual item before you submit your appraisal. An overall reflection statement can be added to each subsection of an appraisal to reduce the number of forms you are required to complete.
Although it is advised to reflect on appraisal evidence to gain as much as possible from the appraisal experience, it is no longer mandatory and appraisals can be submitted without any reflective statements.
If you have added individual reflections to items in the past, they will still be attached to the item in your Portfolio to view however, when you import it into your appraisal, the reflection will be found in the reflection box below the table of items with the item name as a title (rather than specifically attached to the item) to allow you to keep all of your reflective statements together in one easy to manage area. You can still edit/delete the text if you wish after importing the item.
If you wish to reflect individually on a newly added item, use the Reflection box below the table of items, and enter the item name as a subtitle (using the formatting options) then enter your text in the Reflection box (see below)
Migration FAQs
All of the transferred information can be found in your Historic Appraisal section.
To view your historic appraisals, go to the Appraisal section of Appraisal Toolkit, and click the Historic tab.
Click the link to the right of the appraisal you wish to view.
Due to the nature of the migration process there are several fields that will need to be repopulated. These are: Roles, Qualifications and Last Year’s PDP. All of the information required is stored within your historic appraisals, and can be copied and pasted into the Toolkit, however they cannot be imported.
Please note: This is the only time you need to add this information – it is automatically added to any subsequent appraisals you complete with Appraisal Toolkit.
Your Last Year’s PDPs are stored within your last appraisal. The first time you complete a new appraisal with the upgraded Appraisal Toolkit you will need to re-enter this information.
To view your items from last year, view your appraisal documentation (See FAQ 1) then click “Agreed PDPs” in section 4 of the left navigation menu. You can download any attached documents and copy and paste the saved details into "Last Year's PDP" in section 2 of your new appraisal.
Login FAQs
You can log in to the Appraisal Toolkit at appraisals.clarity.co.uk
- Enter your registered email address
- Enter your password
- Click the 'Login' button
If you are experiencing problems logging in, please contact our Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111.
Your username is your registered email address. If you are unsure which email address you have registered, please contact our Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111 for assistance.
Go to the Appraisal Toolkit Login page at appraisals.clarity.co.uk
- Click the 'Forgot your password?' link
- Enter your registered email address
- Type the text shown in the “Captcha” box
- Click the 'Send' button
This will send you an email to your registered email address which will contain a link.
- Click on the link
- Answer your Security Question
- Enter a new password and confirm new password (see FAQ for password criteria)
- Click the 'Renew' button.
If you require further assistance please contact our Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111.
To ensure the best security for your Appraisal Toolkit account passwords must contain the following:
- A minimum of 7 characters
- At least one numerical digit (0-9)
- At least one special character (? / ! £ $ % & * \ # @ ~)
If you are logged into Appraisal Toolkit, you can change your password by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the page (next to Logout).
- Click 'Account Details' in the drop down menu
- Click on the blue 'Change Password' button
- Enter your current password for confirmation, then enter your new password and confirm.
- Click on the blue 'Save' button.
To change your username/email address, please contact our Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111.
If you are logged into Appraisal Toolkit, you can change your security question by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the page (next to Logout).
- Click 'Account Details' in the drop down menu
- Click on the blue 'Change Security Question' button
- Select a new security question and enter your new answer. Enter your password for security confirmation.
- Click on the blue 'Save' button
here could be a number of reasons why you are unable to log in to Appraisal Toolkit. The most common are listed below.
Not yet registered:
- you must be registered to log in
- you have not yet confirmed your registration
Username is incorrect:
- entering the wrong username/email address
- typos in the username
- including spaces at the beginning or end of your username
- entering the wrong username/email address
Password is incorrect:
- using the wrong password
- misspelling the password
- your password is case sensitive – you may not be including the correct uppercase, lowercase, letters, numbers and characters (see FAQ for password criteria).
Locked out:
- entering the incorrect username or password 3 times will lock an account
- entering the incorrect username or password 3 times will lock an account
If you have been locked out or are having difficulty with your user credentials, please contact our Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111. You will be asked to provide your full name, GMC number and to answer your security question before your password can be reset.
Start appraisal FAQs
If an appraisal year has been created there will be a blue 'Start your Appraisal' button on the Home page, click this button to begin entering your evidence.
If you do not have an appraisal year ready to start, please contact your organisation Appraisal Administrator to set up an appraisal for the current appraisal year.
- If you do not have an appraisal administrator at your organisation, please contact Clarity Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111 or appraisals-support@clarity.co.uk.
- If your Organisation have an appraisal administrator, please contact them.
The Portfolio can be used to store your evidence until the appraisal year has been created.
For more information on Starting an appraisal, click here.
Your appraiser will be allocated by your Appraisal Administrator.
- If you are an individual subscriber, please contact the Clarity Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111 or at appraisals-support@clarity.co.uk to have your appraiser allocated.
- If your Organisation arranges your subscription, you should contact your Organisation Appraisal Administrator.
Your Appraisal Administrator is able to change your appraisal due date.
- If you are an individual subscriber, please contact the Clarity Customer Support Team on 0845 113 7111 or at appraisals-support@clarity.co.uk .
- If your Organisation arranges your subscription, you should contact your Organisation Appraisal Administrator.
You cannot have more than one appraisal “In Progress” at a time. However, if you have started collecting evidence for your next appraisal and your current appraisal is not yet “Complete”, you can use the Portfolio area of Appraisal Toolkit to store your information, and you can import it into the appraisal at a later date.
Professional profile FAQs
The GMC details held on the Appraisal Toolkit are those held by the GMC. Any changes to this information must be made through the GMC; you cannot alter these through Appraisal Toolkit
Yes, you are able to add non NHS roles to Appraisal Toolkit. There is an option in the Details tab to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to ‘Is the role is within a NHS Organisation?’
For more information on Adding a Role, click here.
As part of the Appraisal Toolkit upgrade, there is no longer an area for you to add information regarding health concerns for your appraisal. You are no longer required to provide the details of any health concerns as this is covered by your statements and declarations.
For more information on changes to Health, please click here.
If you have previously entered information for a Health issue into the Appraisal Toolkit, you are still able to view and edit this. The Health section can now be found under the Appraisal menu. As a new feature, you are also able to delete your health issue.
For more information on changes to Health, please click here.
As part of the Appraisal Toolkit upgrade, there will no longer be an area for you to add information regarding convictions for your appraisal. You are no longer required to provide the details of any convictions you have acquired during the appraisal year, as this is covered by your statements and declarations.
For more information on changes to Convictions, please click here.
If you have provided conviction records in the Appraisal Toolkit previously you are still able to view the existing information. The Convictions section of the Appraisal Toolkit will now be found under the Appraisal Menu. As a new feature, you can also e to delete your convictions from your profile.
For more information on changes to Convictions, please click here.
ou can now find your Probity entries in the Professional Profile section on the top menu.
For more information on changes to Probity, please click here.
You can set or change your speciality in the Professional Profile section of the Appraisal Toolkit.
To do this:
- Click on 'Professional Profile' on the top blue menu
- Click on the 'Set/Change Speciality' link at the bottom right of the My Profile page under Additional Information
- Select the Category and Speciality from the stop down menus
- Click on the blue 'Select Speciality' button
- Click on the 'Save' button.
Portfolio FAQs
For a Portfolio item to count towards your CPD total, it must be imported from your Portfolio into your appraisal.
Click Home on the top menu
Click on the Go to your Appraisal button (if you do not have an current appraisal, please contact your Appraisal Administrator)
Click Import from Portfolio at the bottom of the left navigation menu
Tick the boxes to the right of each item you would like to import
Click the blue Import button below the item box
You can also import the items from the Portfolio in individual areas of section 3; CPD events, Quality Improvement and Significant events.
If there are items available to import, the blue Import button below the item box will show a number in brackets. Click this button to import the items.
Documents can be uploaded and attached to evidence items in your Portfolio and Appraisal once the item has been saved. There is a file size limit of 10mb but you can upload as many documents as you want.
To upload a document to an item within your Portfolio or Appraisal:
- Open the item you wish to add the Document to by clicking the
link in the far right column of the table
- Click on the 'Documents' tab (as shown below)
Appraisal submission / sign off FAQs
Historic appraisal FAQs
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