- AoMRC = Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
- CPD = Continuing Professional Development
- Formative = a developmental assessment to promote quality improvement by facilitating reflection and providing feedback to help in identifying strengths and weaknesses and making plans to target areas for development.
- Formative interventions are context specific and used in an educational way, to facilitate improvement over time, although they may include the learning from summative assessments (see below)
- FSRH = Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
- GMC = General Medical Council
- PDP = Personal Development Plan
- QIA = Quality Improvement Activities
- One credit = one hour of learning activity demonstrated by a reflective note on lessons learned and any changes made as a result
- RCGP recommendation – based on the RCGP Guide to Supporting Information for Appraisal and Revalidation (March 2016) and calibrated with other stakeholders prior to publication of this ‘Mythbusters’ paper
- Summative = an end point assessment against an external standard to provide a point score or pass/ fail result. Note: Summative assessments can be used formatively to give feedback on performance that helps to promote further development (see also formative above)
- Undifferentiated primary care = Providing the full range of general medical services and treating all patients in a primary care setting without prior restriction in the type of presenting complaint