PDP Timeline
Last year's PDP
When you are inside an Appraisal, your Current PDPs (i.e. that you have spent the year working towards) are known as your Last Year’s PDPs.
If you completed your last appraisal with Appraisal Toolkit your Last Year’s PDPs are added to your appraisal automatically.
If it is the first year you are completing an appraisal for an organisation using Appraisal Toolkit you can manually add your last year’s PDPs.
If this is your first ever appraisal for your organisation you do not need to enter this information.
on the Last Year’s PDP page.To add your Last Year’s PDPs:
- Go to your appraisal and click Last Year’s PDP in your left navigation bar.
at the top of the table. Complete the Details tab and clickYou can complete the Development Evidence tab in two ways. You can:
- Link items from your Portfolio to your PDP item by ticking and selecting the items from the table.
- Enter text into the two text boxes
When you have added your Development Evidence, click
When you have completed the Details and Development Evidence tabs, you can upload documents into the Documents tab.
Linking appraisal evidence to your PDPs:
You can link your evidence in two ways:
- Through the Last Year's PDP section (see above)
- Through the PDP tab when editing an item in an appraisal (see below)