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Click "Organisation" in the top menu to go to the Organisation area.
The Organisation area of Clarity Appraisals allows you to add users to your organisation, customise appraisal and MSF settings and manage your users.
- Click Revalidation on the top menu
- Click "Without Revalidation Cycle" in the left navigation bar
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To invite users to join your organisation
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- Click in the drop down menu
- Click to confirm
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- Appraisal Configuration (settings linked directly to appraisals within your organisation)
- Optional Appraisal Features (Enable and disable appraisal features to meet your organisation's requirements)
- MSF Settings (Adjust settings to change how MSF is managed within your organisation)
Click to change your settings.
Appraisal Configuration
- Choose how you want appraisal evidence to be collected
- Appraisal Year
- Due date
- Choose how you want the appraisals for your organisations spread out
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
- Choose whether you want Appraisal Toolkit to automatically create new appraisals for appraisees when their current appraisal is signed off
- Choose whether you want Appraisal Toolkit to automatically allocate the same Appraiser to new appraisals.
- Chose whether Appraisers can appraise the same appraisee in consecutive years.
- Determine how many appraisals an Appraiser can perform in an appraisal period
- Determine how many times an appraisee can be appraised by the same Appraiser.
- Appraisal self management - Choose whether to give your appraisees permission to adjust their appraisal evidence dates themselves.
- Auto-create appraisals for new users - Chose whether to set Appraisal Toolkit to auto-create an appraisal for newly registered users in your organisation.
For more information on each setting hover over the icon next to each option on your Appraisal Toolkit screen.
Click after making any changes.
Optional Appraisal Features
Choose to enable or disable
- GMP Attributes and Assessment
- If you enable this setting, appraisees can map each item in their appraisals to the domains set out in Good Medical Practice
- ORSA Feedback
- If you enable this setting, your appraisees and Appraisers will be required to complete Clarity's ORSA questionnaire, giving you feedback regarding your organisation's appraisal process.
Changes you make will be saved automatically.
MSF Settings
You can adjust the MSF settings to comply with your organisation's MSF process. Choose:
- The minimum required number of Patient and Colleague responses per cycle
- To enable or disable paper-based MSF
- If you enable this setting your appraisees can buy paper MSF packs from Clarity to collect feedback from patients. Click here for more details.
- If you have enabled Paper-based MSF you can pre-order paper packs for your appraisees. Click to contact the Clarity Customer Support Team directly to place your order.
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To view a grid displaying all of the training undertaken by appraisers in your organisation:
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