As an Appraisal Administrator you can customise Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses to fit the settings of your organisation
Use the links below for more information on:
Editing organisation details
- Click 'Organisation' in the top menu bar
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- Amend your organisation's contact details as necessary
- Click
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Inviting new usersAs an administrator you are able to invite staff to join your register with your organisation on Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses. To invite staff to join your organisation:
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- Click 'Organisation' in the top menu bar
- Click 'Invite Users' in the left navigation bar
- Click
Image Added - Enter the email address(es) of the staff member(s) you want to invite to register and a personal message (optional). Separate multiple email a
- Click
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The 'Invite Users' page allows you to see how many staff: - You are awaiting responses from
- Have completed their registration as a result of their invitation
- Have not yet responded (click
Image Added to send your staff another invite) - Have rejected the invitation and do not wish to be contacted via Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses
To see a list of your staff in each group, simply click the links below the coloured boxes. |
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Adding usersTo add users that are already registered with Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses to your organisation:
- Click “Organisation” in the top menu bar
- Click “Add User” in the left navigation bar
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A pop up will appear. Image Added
- Click the role you want to add
- Use the search function to find the user in Appraisal Toolkit
- Click
Image Added
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DepartmentsAs an administrator you can sort your nurses into Departments:
- Click “Organisation” in the top menu bar
- Click “Manage Departments” in the left navigation bar
To add a department
- Enter a name for your department into the text box at the top of the page
- Click
Image Added - Click
Image Added in the drop down menu next to the department - Click the 'Manage Appraisees' button to open the drop down menu
Image Added - Click 'Assign Appraisees' in the drop down
- Search for the nurses you wish to assign to this department using the search function
- Tick the boxes to the right of any nurses you wish to add
- Click
Image Added
To remove nurses from a department
- Click
Image Added in the drop down menu next to the department - Click 'Manage Appraisees'
- Click 'Remove Appraisees'
- Search for the nurses you wish to remove from this department using the search function
- Tick the boxes to the right of any nurses you wish to remove
- Click
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To rename a department
- Click
Image Added in the drop down menu - Enter the new name for your department
- Click
Image Added
To Delete a department
- Click
Image Added in the drop down menu - Click
Image Added to confirm
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Organisation settingsYou organisation settings can be configured to personalise Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses to your organisation. You can adjust your:
- Appraisal Configuration (settings linked directly to appraisals within your organisation)
- Optional Appraisal Features (Enable and disable appraisal features to meet your organisation's requirements)
Image Added to change your settings.
Appraisal Configuration
- Choose how you want appraisal evidence to be collected
- Choose how you want the appraisals for your organisations spread out
- Choose whether you want Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses to automatically create new appraisals for nurses when their current appraisal is signed off
- Choose whether you want Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses to automatically allocate the same Appraiser to new appraisals.
- Chose whether Appraisers can appraise the same nurse in consecutive years.
- Determine how many appraisals an Appraiser can perform in an appraisal period
- Determine how many times a nurse can be appraised by the same Appraiser.
- Appraisal self management - Choose whether to give your nurses permission to adjust their appraisal evidence dates themselves.
- Auto-create appraisals for new users - Chose whether to set Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses to auto-create an appraisal for newly registered users in your organisation.
For more information on each setting hover over the
Image Added icon next to each option on your Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses screen.
Image Added after making any changes.
Optional Appraisal Features
Choose to enable or disable
Six Cs
- If you enable this setting, nurses can map each item in their appraisals to the six competencies.
Changes you make will be saved automatically.
Notification Settings
This lets you choose whether to allow all administrators for the organisation to receive the system messages, or whether to designate a specific email address to gather the messages instead.
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