Use the links below to see more information on each mandatory evidence type as stipulated by the GMC:
What is it?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a continuous learning process that maintains and develops competence and performance. CPD enables you to maintain and improve across all areas of your practice.
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Quality improvement
There are a vast number of activities you can undertake as part of quality improvement, some examples include:
Please Note: If you work in a non-clinical area you should discuss options for quality improvement activity with your appraiser, college or faculty.
For the purposes of revalidation, you will have to demonstrate that you regularly participate in activities that review and evaluate the quality of your work.
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Clinical audits
You will need to demonstrate that you have actively participated in a clinical audit relevant to your work and then evaluated and reflected on the results. You will also need to demonstrate that you have taken appropriate action in response to the results (e.g. a development plan/a change in practice) and that improvement has occurred or good practice has been maintained.
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Case reviews
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Significant events
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Multi-source feedback
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It is useful to include compliments as well as complaints. Reflecting on your successes and how they have affected your professional practice, relationships and learning is a beneficial aspect of the appraisal process.
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