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What is SiteAdmin?

SiteAdmin is an advanced user role enables the user to create new user accounts, create case records, assign review forms and manage meetings.

Where can I find the SiteAdmin features?

Main toolbar

A SiteAdmin menu is visible on the Main Toolbar to those users with SiteAdmin access and when clicked will shows the SiteAdmin sections and features of the system.

From the site selection menu of the main toolbar select the site you wish to carry out SiteAdmin actions in.Image Removed

Click on SiteAdmin menu option of the main toolbar

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There are buttons on the Dashboard for SiteAdmin users which enable them to access the manage user and cases features.

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SiteAdmin Features

Manage User Accounts


titleCreate New User Accounts
You will need to repeat this process for every individual site you wish the user to have access to.
You can permit different access levels for each site if necessary.  
  1. In the site selection menu of the main toolbar select the site you wish to add the user account to
  2. Check for an existing account by searching for a user. 
    1. Click on the Manage Users button of the dashboard or the SiteAdmin menu Manage Users option.  This will take you to the manage users page
    2. Click on the Find a user button Image Removed
    3. Enter the surname of the new user into the Last Name field and click Search
      1. all existing user accounts matching the last name will be shown.  You should then check the roles of the account to ensure they have been assigned (see Add Access) and notify the user they already have access
      2. If there are no results this indicated there is no currently access for this user and you can proceed to creating a new account. 
  3. Create user account by clicking the Create new user button.  This will open the Create User page. Image Removed
  4. In the Create User page enter the user's email, first name and last name and click CreateUser.  You will see a message advising the account has been created with the option to open up a blank email message to send to the user. This has now created the new user account.
  5. You will now need to assign the data the user account can access

User Account Passwords- The system is designed for users to self manage their passwords. Once you have created the account and assigned the relevant access you can notify the user that the account is active. They should then use the forgotten password link of the login screen to assign their own password to their account.  Once this has been done the user will be able to log into the system.

If you are having problems with creating the accounts yourself please complete the attached form for your Trust and send this to Clarity who will be able to assist.

New User Account Request.docx

New User Account Request - South Tees.docx

New User Account Request - North Tees.docx

New User Account Request - Co Durham.docx

titleAssign User Access

Please Note:  To change the access a user has for a particular site, you must be a SiteAdmin user for that particular site.

  1. Locate the user account either by accessing the Manage users section.
  2. Click on the Find a user button Image Removed
  3. Search for the user account by either the email, first name or last name information and click on Search. Image Removed
    1. All existing user accounts matching the last name will be shown.  You should then check the roles of the account to ensure they have been assigned (see step 5) and notify the user they already have access
    2. If there are no results this indicated there is no currently access for this user and you can proceed to creating a new account. 
  4. One the search results page, click Open for the relevant user account in the search results 
  5. The user account page will then open to show all available roles If roles have already been assigned to the user this will be shown as a red button with the option to remove the access 
    • If roles have already been assigned to the user this will be shown as a red button with the option to remove the access
    • If a role has not been assigned it will be shown as a green button with the option to add this role Image Removed
  6. Repeat the assigning of roles for each site you wish the user to access by selecting the site selection on the main toolbar and repeating steps 1 - 6.
  7. Notify the new user that their access has been created, advise them of their username, the address of the system and advise the User they will need to assign their own password using the forgotten password link on the log in page.

Manage Cases

titleCreate Case Records

This allows a case record to be created and review forms assigned and completed before the SUS data from a Trust is sent to Clarity and loaded to the RCR system.

  1. From the SiteAdmin menu select Create Case
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  2. Enter as much details as possible into the Create Case form but a minimum of first name, last name, PatientID and Date of Birth are required to enable a case record to be created. Click Create.
  3. This will then open up the case record page with the new case record, you can now add review forms to the case record.
titleAdd a Review Form to a Case Record and Assign as Priority
  1. locate the case record you wish to add a review form to.  You can locate this either via the Dashboard links/search buttons,  the Search option on the main toolbar or the Manage Case option of the SiteAdmin menu.
  2. In the Search results table click Open to open the case record page.
  3. Click the Manage Case button, this is above the review form summary table on the case record page.  Image Removed
    This will open the Manage Cases page for the case record.
  4. Click the Assign/Hide/Prioritise button
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    This will open the Assign, hide, prioritise Review page which looks similar to the Case Record page but with a different review form summary table.
  5. Click on the Add Review button above the review form summary table
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    This will show the Select Review Form window.
  6. Click on the down arrow to show all review forms assigned to the selected site
  7. Click on the form you wish to add
  8. Click Add
  9. The Select Review Form window will close and the Assign, hide, prioritise Review page will update to show the new review form added to the review summary table.
  10. If you wish to assign the review form as a priority review, click on the Change to High button.  This will then place the review form at the top of the table with a flag icon displayed
  11. Click on the Back to Manage Cases button, your case record show be displayed at the top of the table
  12. Click on Open button to open the case record page
  13. Your added review form should be included in the review form summary table with the status of Not Started


titleHide a Review Form on a Case Record
  1. locate the case record you wish to add a review form to.  You can locate this either via the Dashboard links/search buttons,  the Search option on the main toolbar or the Manage Case option of the SiteAdmin menu.
  2. In the Search results table click Open to open the case record page.
  3. Click the Manage Case button, this is above the review form summary table on the case record page Image Removed

This will open the Manage Cases page for the case record.

4. Click the Assign/Hide/Prioritise button. This will open the Assign, hide, prioritise Review page which looks similar to the Case Record page but with a different review form summary table. Image Removed 

This will open the Assign, hide, prioritise Review page which looks similar to the Case Record page but with a different review form summary table.

5. Use the button in the Hidden column to show or hide the review form.

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    • If a review form is assigned to the case record and visible the Hidden column will show a red button with the text Hide?
    • If  are review form is assigned to the case record but not visible, the Hidden column will show a red button with the text Restore?


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