Use the links below for more information on:
AppraisalsTo view a list of all current appraisals in your organisation:
- Click 'Organisation' in your top menu bar
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- Click 'Appraisals' in the left navigation bar
- You can sort the table according to appraisal due date or completion date, or alphabetically according to appraisee/appraiser name by clicking the headings at the top of the table.
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- Use the filters to help find specific appraisals - make sure you click
Image Added after changing your filter options. - You can view complete appraisals by clicking on the link in the 'Appraisal' column. The link will only appear once the appraisal has been completed, you will be unable to view it before then.
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Appraisal agreementsBefore an appraisal can be completed, there are a number of statements that must be agreed or disagreed by both the appraisee and appraiser. During the sign-off process they will have the opportunity to view the responses given by the other person, and can agree or disagree with their input and provide explanatory comments. Appraisals can be signed off and completed with disagreements, however the comments and disagreements will be available for you to view as the responsible officer, so you can make informed decisions on the appraisee's revalidation recommendation. To view a list of appraisal agreements:
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- Click 'Organisation' in the top menu bar
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- Click Appraisal Agreements in the left navigation bar
- The 'Agreements' column will show if there have been disagreements made in the statements. You can view the appraisal to see which statements are disagreed and the accompanying comments.
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ComplaintsAppraisees are required to document any professional complaints they receive as part of their appraisal. You can view a list of outstanding and resolved complaints against your appraisees in the Complaints section:
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- Click Organisation in the top blue menu bar
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- Click 'Complaints' in the left navigation bar
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Administrator accessAs the responsible officer, you can control which administrators from your organisation can view appraisals. If you decide an administrator should not have access to appraisal documentation, they will still be able to use their account to assign appraisals, monitor the organisation statistics and organise users within the organisation.
To grant or restrict access:
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- Click Organisation in the top blue menu bar
- Click Administrator Access
- Tick the box in the 'Administrator Access' column to grant the administrator access to appraisal documentation. Leave the box unticked if you do not want this administrator to have access
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