Click "Appraisals" in the top menu to manage your organisation's appraisals.
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Use the links below for more information on:
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| appraisallist |
| appraisallist |
AppraisalsTo view a list of all of the appraisals in your organisation, go to the Appraisals area of Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses:
- Click “Appraisals” in the top menu bar
You will be taken to the Appraisals overview page (“Appraisals” in the left navigation bar)
You can search for a specific appraisal or set of appraisals using the filter and search function:
Section |
Column |
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| viewingconflicts |
| viewingconflicts |
Conflicts of interestIt is important to record any conflicts of interest that occur between appraisees and appraisers in your organisation.
To add a conflict of interest
- View the appraisee (or appraiser)
- Click the “Conflicts” tab
- Click
Image Added - Search for the appraiser (or appraisee) the user is conflicted with
- Click
Image Added - Enter an explanation for the conflict in the text box and the start/end dates (if appropriate)
- Click
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To view conflicts in your organisation
- Click Appraisals in your top menu bar
- Click “Conflicts of Interest” in your left navigation bar
To remove a conflict of interest
- Go to the Conflicts section of Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses (under Appraisals in the top menu bar)
- Click
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ExemptionsNurses may be exempt from an appraisal due to a number of reasons (e.g. illness/maternity leave).
To add an exemption
- View the appraisee that you want to exempt from appraisal
- Click the “Exemptions” tab
- Click
Image Added - Complete the fields
- Click
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To delete an exemption
- Go to the exemptions section of Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses
- Click
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Allocating appraisal due datesTo batch allocate appraisal due dates to your nurses
- Go to the Appraisals area
- Click “Allocate Due Dates” in your left navigation bar.
- Nurses without a current due date are shown at the top of the page
- Tick the boxes to the right of any nurses you want to allocate a due date to
- Click
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If Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses could not allocate due dates to specific nurses they will be displayed at the bottom of the page with an explanation.
You can also allocate due dates for the next appraisal year, by clicking the Check link (
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To allocate due dates individually
- Find and view the appraisee
- Click
Image Added - Complete the fields (if applicable )
- Click
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Allocating appraisersYou can allocate appraisers to your appraisees individually or in a batch process.
To allocate individually
- View the appraisee and ensure they have a current appraisal due date
- Click
Image Added - Search for the appraiser you wish to allocate
- Click
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To allocate Appraisers to multiple Appraisees
- Go to the Appraisals area
- Click “Batch Allocate Appraisers” in the left navigation bar
- Click
Image Added - If you do not want to accepted match, untick the box to the right.
- Click
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Viewing nurses with no appraisalTo view a list of apraisees that do not yet have an appraisal due date for this appraisal period:
- Go to the Appraisals area of Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses
- Click “Without Appraisal” in the left navigation bar
- Click
Image Added allocate them a new appraisal date and open their new appraisal.
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Unsubmitting / reverting appraisal statusesAs an Appraisal Administrator you can revert the status of an appraisal that has been submitted or signed off.
- Go to the Appraisals area of Appraisal Toolkit for Nurses
- Click Unsubmit Appraisal/Revert Appraiser Signoff/Revert Appraisee Signoff in the left navigation bar.
- Click 'Revert'
- Click
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