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Please contact Clarity Informatics at mortalityreview-enquiries@clarity.co.uk to request a user account to be created. Once this is created (and approved if necessary) your access details will be sent to you. Please ensure that you do not share your access details with anyone.To access the Case Review System an account must be created for you. The person training you on how to use the system or your Trust's Senior Trust Administrator the case review project should have the advanced SiteAdmin user access and can create your account for you. You can find the list of Senior Trust Administrators for the Case Review Project |
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Only users with SiteAdmin access permissions have the ability to create user accounts. You will be able to tell if you have this level of access by the menu options on your Homepage, if this includes a SiteAdmin option then you have this permission level. If you do not have SiteAdmin access and will require this please contact Clarity to discuss upgrading your account. Once you have SiteAdmin access you will find instructions on how to create user accounts within the SiteAdmin User Guide |