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Report Criteria Options

Organisation Overall

Select whether to run your report at top level

YES will show the data within the report at the top level (e.g. Trust Level)

NO  will show the data within the report at  a lower level (e.g. site level)


Depending on the option selected in Organisation Overall you can then select the relevant Trust/Site

review FormThis will show all review forms within the system available to the Trust/Site
Report period type

Select to see data for reviews with priority statuses of




Period FromThis will show a list of all batch options within the system for the relevant Trust/Site and Review Form
Period ToThis will show a list of all batch options within the system for the relevant Trust/Site and Review Form

Report Data Explanations
Case Review Details
Case and Review KeyThis shows the unique identifiers used within the system for the case record and the review form
Case ReviewThis splits the information in the first column to show the unique identifier of the case record
ReviewThis splits the information in the first column to show the unique identifier of the review form
Top Level OrganisationTrust code the data is assigned to
OrganisationSite code the data is assigned to
Case Review Subject IDPatientID
Batch DateBatch group the data belongs to (currently used the discharge date)
Review Start Date BatchDate the review form was initially saved
Case Review Type

Case Review Status

Whether the review has been closed or is still open

In Progress and Not Started = Open

Complete = closed

Review StatusCurrent status of the review i.e. Not Started/In Progress/Complete
Display NameName of the review form/review type
Version NumberVersion of the review form that was available at the time the data was entered, version numbers increase when changes have been made to the review form itself
Case Review Q and A
Case and Review KeyThis shows the unique identifiers used within the system for the case record and the review form
Case ReviewThis splits the information in the first column to show the unique identifier of the case record
ReviewThis splits the information in the first column to show the unique identifier of the review form
Question CodeThe unique identifier for the question in the review form
Question Type

The type of answers that can be given to the question

SingleLineString = a single row free text field, limited to 350 characters

MultiLineString = large box field in which large amounts of text and paragraphs can be entered, limited to 10,000 characters

SelectList = a list of answer options from which only one answer can be selected

MultiSelectList = a list of answer options from which multiple options can be selected

CareProblem = refers to the problems in healthcare table which is included in some (but not all) review forms

DateTime = date and time field

Group NameThe tab and tab section name where the question is located within the review form

Related to the Question Type information with extra category to show if the question has a scoring element to it

Score = this shows which question types are used in standard scoring e.g. Hogan scores

Freetext = MultiLineString and SingleLineString

SelectList =SelectList and MultiSelectList

Other = DateTime or CareProblem

QuestionQuestion text on the review form
AnswerAnswer entered for the question on the review form
Case ReviewThis splits the information in the first column to show the unique identifier of the case record

Grouping numbering to show where the information is taken from within the case record

1 = ProviderSpell information

2 = Patient information

Information Source

Linked to the InformationGroupNumber and shows the name of the group

1 = ProviderSpell information

2 = Patient information

Information ElementInformation field title e.g. Date of Birth
Element DataLinked to the Information Element and shows the case record data for that element