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  • 2.1. Myth: I must use a portfolio defined by my responsible officer to revalidate
  • 2.2. Myth: My appraisal portfolio is entirely confidential

2.1. Myth: I must use a portfolio defined by my responsible officer to revalidate

The format of the portfolio of supporting information is not prescribed by the GMC, so having an electronic portfolio is not a requirement for revalidation. We recommend that your portfolio of supporting information should include all the core elements required by the GMC in a format that is professionally presented, typed so that it is legible, and capable of being transmitted electronically. Some other items of supporting information, such as original complaint letters or compliment cards, which may be hand-written, are usually best kept in paper form and shared privately with your appraiser to maintain confidentiality. They can then be referenced anonymously by the appraiser in the summary.

The medical appraisal guide model appraisal form (MAG4.2) is a free interactive pdf available from the NHS England website. This provides the template for all other toolkit providers and its use is not restricted to England. In some areas, responsible officers (ROs) have commissioned bespoke IT solutions for their doctors to encourage them to use a single system. In Scotland and Wales there are national appraisal and revalidation platforms used by all doctors. Scotland uses SOAR and Wales uses MARS. Your RO may have expressed a preference among the available options, which they are entitled to do under RO regulations. You should check your designated body requirements and variations with your RO. For example, special arrangements might need to be made to solve an issue of accessibility for a GP with a protected characteristic. If you move to a new area of the UK you should check if there is a preferred local choice of portfolio.

If your RO has not determined that a specific electronic portfolio should be used locally, you should choose a solution that suits you. Remember that your portfolio, with all the GMC required supporting information, needs to be available to your RO potentially at short notice.

2.2. Myth: My appraisal portfolio is entirely confidential

Your appraisal and revalidation portfolio is normally only available to you and your appraiser(s) and responsible officer (or designated deputy). It should follow all relevant information governance and data protection laws. It is inappropriate to include any third party identifiable information, whether about patients or colleagues, without their explicit permission, unless the information is already in the public domain.

Your portfolio is a professional document and reflective notes included in it should be written in a professional way. It could be subject to a request to disclose just as clinical notes can be. If they are appropriately written, your reflective notes can demonstrate your learning and insight into any incident or complaint under investigation.