Use the links below to see more information on each mandatory evidence type as stipulated by the GMC:
What is it?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a continuous learning process that complements your formal university education and training in order to maintain and further develop competence and performance. CPD enables you to maintain and improve across all areas of your practice.
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Quality improvement
What is it?
Quality Improvement activities can take many different forms depending on the role you undertake and the work that you do. These activities should be robust, systematic and relevant to your work. They should include an element of evaluation and action and, where possible, demonstrate an outcome or change.
For the purposes of revalidation, you will have to demonstrate that you regularly participate in activities that review and evaluate the quality of your work.
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Clinical audits
How often?
You should participate in at least one complete audit cycle (audit, practice review and re-audit) in every 5 year revalidation cycle. If audit is not possible then other ways of demonstrating quality improvement activity should be undertaken.