Click on Log in at the top right of the page.
You will see links to various topics and websites but only the free topics are accessible without requiring to log into the system.
You can navigate the site either by topic or by speciality. This is determined by clicking the relevant option on the main toolbar of the homepage, below the Prodigy icon.
By Topics
Clicking Topics on the main toolbar will show an A – Z grid. Once you click on a letter within the grid it will show links to all the topics with that selected initial letter.
Simply click on the topic name to go to the content pages for that topic.
By Speciality
Clicking Topics on the main toolbar will show all the specialities covered within the system in alphabetical order.
Simply click on the speciality name to see the links to all topics included in that speciality.
By Searching
You can use the search field on the main toolbar to search the system for various content. We advise that you use this for singular word terms which may be present within topic titles rather than for the topic or speciality names.
Click on the relevant search result box to open the topic pages.
Topic Pages
he The topic content pages will load with the Summary page visible.
You can then navigate through the topic pages either by scrolling down the main content window or by clicking on the side menu options.
Each side menu has the topic split into various sections, if you click on a section this will then expand to show the sub-sections within it. You can also click on these sub sections to jump straight to that information.
Frequently Asked Questions